

旅美期間,獲邀擔任美國Midland Symphony交響樂團助理首席、並與Traverse SymphonyLansing Symphony等交響樂團一同演出。2008年起,加入International Chamber Soloists室內樂團,多次隨團至美洲各地及歐洲巡演。此外也應邀請於Michigan Cello Plus室內樂音樂節中演出。

返台後,活躍於樂壇,數次以獨奏身份與台灣獨奏家交響樂團合作演出,2016年於故鄉臺南創立臺邦獨奏家樂團,每年常態演出多場高精緻度、具特色的沙龍音樂會,以多變廣泛的曲目及近距離的聆賞樂趣廣受樂迷喜愛,多年來屢創票房佳績。2019年帶領臺邦獨奏家樂團灌錄首張專輯「深琴悸動」,並數次獲臺南市府團隊青睞,於臺南藝術節等節慶領銜演出;曾與柴可夫斯基大賽首獎得主俄國大提琴家暨莫斯科音樂院教授Kirill Rodin合作演出與大師有約沙龍音樂會,獲得樂迷廣大迴響。



Dr. I-Hsuan Chen

Considered one of the most distinctive artists in this generation with a profound background in musical arts education, violinist Dr. Chen received her Bachelor Degree in violin performance in Taipei National University of Arts in Taiwan, and earned her Master Degree (MD) in Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University and Doctor Degree of Musical Arts (DMA) in Michigan State University, USA.


During her stay in the States, she served as the assistant concertmaster of Midland Symphony Orchestra, and performed with Traverse Symphony Orchestra and Lansing Symphony Orchestra. For the love of chamber music, Dr. Chen joined International Chamber Soloists (ICS) and toured with ICS worldwide ,including the States, South America and Europe. She has also performed in Cello-Plus Chamber Music Festival in Michigan for many years.


After returning to Taiwan, Dr. Chen actives as a soloist、chamber player in the music community. She is invited to perform with Taiwan Soloists Symphony Orchestra frequently. She founded Taipung Soloist Orchestra (TSO) in 2016 at her hometown, focusing on exquisite music salons, featuring a diverse range and distinctive repertoire. The close-in distance of music enjoyment promptly drew great attention of their musical fans. Dr. Chen, along with TSO has performed with Russian cellist Kirill Rodin, the first prize winner of the Tchaikovsky Competition and professor of Moscow Music Academy, in TSO’s Annual concert in 2019 and received great musical reputation. TSO recorded its first album Endless love of Taiwanese Songs in the same year, reviving many classic Taiwanese folk songs. TSO was also invited to perform in the Tainan Arts Festival, receiving compliments from both the audience and critics.


Now, Dr. Chen is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in General Education Center at CTBC Business School, Music Director of Taipung Soloist Orchestra, concertmaster of Taiwan Soloist Symphony Orchestra, acting concertmaster of Tainan Symphony Orchestra, conductor of Tainan Youth and Citizen Orchestra.


Dr. Chen also works as a part-time Assistant Professor in the Nanhua University, and teaches in Chiayi Senior High School, Tainan Municipal Dacheng Junior High School and other musical talent classes, dedicating her expertise to the younger generation.