高雄人。先後就讀於鳳山國小音樂班、新興國中音樂班、高雄中學音樂班、國立台北教育大學音樂教育系。國立台北教育大學畢業後以小提琴組最優異成績進入國立台灣師範大學音樂研究所。2011年赴美就讀羅格斯紐澤西州立大學(Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey),並於2015年取得音樂藝術博士(Doctor of Musical Arts in Violin Performance)。小提琴先後師承蔡文河、呂元哲、周亮君、傅瑋亭、陳沁紅等教授。留美期間師事著名俄裔美籍小提琴家Philippe Quint及Orion String Qaurtet⾸首席⼩小提琴家Todd Phillips,並受到小提琴家兼作曲家Ittai Shapira多次指導,同時跟隨費城愛樂中提琴首席Choong-Jin Chang、Raphael Trio鋼琴家Daniel Epstein及小提琴家Boris Kucharsky學習室內樂。
在國內學習期間,曾與高雄市立交響樂團合作演出西貝流士小提琴協奏曲,及受邀於鋼琴家陳冠宇「動物狂歡節」全台巡迴演出中擔任小提琴獨奏。留美期間,除定期舉辦個人獨奏會外,也積極參與室內樂、樂團、巴洛克⼩小提琴及現代作品演出。除了曾於Bravura Symphony Orchestra中擔任聲部首席,也受邀成為The Baroque Ensemble成員參與演出。
此外,多次參加美國羅格斯大學室內樂比賽獲得優勝,長期代表學校對外演出,並獲邀至New Jersey Edison Public Library舉辦多場室內樂音樂會,同時跟隨學校至紐約林肯音樂中心演出。於美留學期間,也受駐紐約台北經濟⽂文化辦事處之邀,擔任演出。
孫夢檠活躍於世界各地舞台,演出足跡遍佈中國、日本、新加坡、澳洲、德國、奧地利以及美國。除有豐富個人與室內樂經驗,也積極參與樂團演出,其中包括Rutgers Symphony Orchestra、Bravura Symphony Orchestra、The Baroque Ensemble、台北愛樂管絃樂團、國家交響樂團、台北縣立交響樂團、高雄市立交響樂團、樂興之時管絃樂團、南台灣獨奏家室內樂團、台灣藝術家交響樂團台等。
Meng-Ching Sun
Meng-Ching Sun was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She began to play the violin at age of 7 with Wen-He Tsai . Ms. Sun held a Master degree at National Taiwan Normal University with the highest distinction in violin performance. Her main teacher is Chinn-Horng Nanette Chen. Other than the school requirements, she is also active in the local music scene. She performed as a soloist with the Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra and Eric Chen Music Ensemble in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung.
Later on, Ms. Sun earned the Doctoral of Music Arts degree at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in 2015. Her primary teacher includes the legendary violinists Philippe Quint and Todd Phillips. Ms. Sun also dedicated her time to chamber music during her doctoral study. She studied intensely with Choong- Jin Chang, Daniel Epstein and Boris Kucharsky. Ms. Sun won the Rutgers chamber competition multiple times, hence she was awarded to perform in the public chamber group representing Rutgers University.
As a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, Ms. Sun has performed in Taiwan, China, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Austria and the United States. Now she devoted most of her time to extend the classical music development and the violin pedagogue at her beloved hometown, Taiwan. Ms. Sun has been an assistant professor at the CTBC Business School since 2016, where she is in charge of teaching violin, string orchestral and music courses. She also served as a faculty at string orchestra, chamber music and violin in Kaohsiung and Tainan.