歐珈妏赴法初期就讀法國巴黎師範音樂院(Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris),隨日籍長笛大師工藤重典(Shigenori Kudo)攻讀長笛演奏。2011年考取該校最高級演奏家文憑(台灣認證等同助理教授資格)。同年通過馬爾梅松市立音樂院(CRR de Malmaison)長笛文憑考試,並獲評審一致通過暨恭賀獎之最高殊榮。師事法國國家交響樂團長笛首席Philippe Pierlot教授。2012年入學法國國立巴黎高等音樂院(CNSM de Paris) ,師事法國長笛大師Pierre-Yves Artaud教授及Philippe Bernold教授。2017年以Mention Très Bien(特優獎)之殊榮自碩士學程畢業。在校期間同時修習短笛課程,師事巴黎歌劇院短笛首席Pierre Dumail 教授。
歐珈妏亦積極參與各種演出與國際比賽:除了定期舉辦個人獨奏會以外,2015年四月亦受邀參與第四屆台灣國際長笛藝術節「新秀音樂會」演出,獲熱烈好評。同年十月榮獲第九屆義大利Cimarosa國際長笛大賽第二名,並受邀與當地劇院於電視台實況轉播演出。2016年分別獲第21屆日本琵琶湖國際長笛大賽及第一屆義大利Città Murata國際音樂大賽長笛組首獎,同年亦獲亞洲長笛聯盟國際比賽第三名。2019年獲HKIFA香港國際長笛演奏家比賽第二名。
旅法期間客席巴黎詩歌交響樂團(Orchestre Symphonique et Lyrique de Paris)長笛首席,並巡迴演出於法國各地鄉鎮。2018年海歸回台,曾任職長榮交響樂團長笛首席,亦曾參與唐律長笛合奏團、高雄市立交響樂團、普羅藝術家樂團、世紀交響樂團等樂團之演出。現為La Lumière光之長笛四重奏成員,並任教於高雄義大國際高中。
Chia-Wen OU is one of the most brilliant flutists in her generation in Taiwan. Arriving in Paris in 2007, she studied at the private music school École Normale de Musique de Paris” with Shigenori KUDO, where she received the Diplôme Supérieur de Concertise in Flute in 2011. The next year, she was admitted to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSMDP) in the class of Pierre-Yves Artaud. She received her Diplôme National Supérieur Professionnel de Musicien in 2015 and finished her Master Program of CNSMDP in 2017 in the classe of Philippe Bernold.
Chia-Wen participated in numerous of competition: she won the 2nd Price of Cimarosa International Flute Competition (2015, Aversa, Italy), the 1st Price and the Audience Prize of 21st Biwako International Flute Competition (2016, Takashima-shi, Japan) , the 1st Prize of International Music Competition ”Città Murata” – Premio Chiara Bano. (2016, Cittadella, Italy), the 3rd Prize of the 4th Asia Flute Competition – Asia Flute Federation (2016, Kobe, Japan) and the 2nd Prize of Hong Kong International Flute Award Competition (2019, Hong Kong).
Chia-Wen was the guest principal flute of the Orchestre Symphonique et Lyrique de Paris during 2012-2017. After moving back to taiwan, she was the principal flute of the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. She is the member of the Tone Melody Flute Ensemble and La Lumière Flute Quatuor (Taipei).