中信金融管理學院 駐校藝術家兼中信樂團團長
前國防部示範樂隊 上校隊長
- 1967年初中肄業,響應政府「投筆從戎 從軍報國」,報考陸軍士官學校。
- 1970年以士官身份報考國防大學政戰學院政治系,再轉音樂系開始學習音樂。
- 音樂系主修長笛師事施鼎瑩將軍,指揮師事李永剛教授,鋼琴師事羅盛澧主任。
- 1974年音樂系畢業分發成功嶺大專學生集訓班,任中尉排長、上尉輔導長等職。
- 1977年奉調至國防部示範樂隊服務,1979年升任少校分隊長。並先後完成國防大學政戰學院正規班、研究班(指參深造)教育學歷。
- 1982年帶隊南下為台南市政府舉辦「台灣區運動大會」指揮百人管樂團與台南市各級學校千人學生合唱團及三軍儀隊操槍表演,大會典禮表演任務圓滿成功。
- 1987年升任中校副隊長。執行「選、訓、演」任務,當選『國軍莒光連隊』。
- 1990年升任上校隊長。擔任歷年國慶閱兵及國家各重大慶典樂隊指揮,並指揮管樂團於國家音樂廳演出「金鐵木石交鳴的午後和聲」假日音樂會。每年率樂團巡迴國軍各部隊及全國各縣市文化中心指揮演出。
- 1991年擔任「國慶閱兵大典」各項演奏指揮,圓滿達成任務,獲頒「陸光獎章」。
- 1992年起經常指揮管弦樂團、管樂團、爵士樂團、室內樂團、國樂團,擔任歷次邦交國總統來訪軍禮、總統國宴演奏,榮獲各國總統伉儷及外交使節讚揚與嘉勉。每年籌辦各項音樂活動指揮演出300餘場次,當選『國軍莒光楷模』。
- 1994年5月起指揮管弦樂團支援中華電視公司錄製「針線情」大型音樂節目,對中外名曲有獨特的詮釋方法,節目播出三年多,深獲愛樂觀眾好評。
- 1996年5月受聘擔任「第九任總統、副總統就職典禮」音樂藝術顧問。
- 曾任台北市福星國小音樂班長笛教師10年,並於國內各音樂研習班教授「管樂行進指揮」,並擔任各級學校「合唱團、管樂團、管弦樂團」客席指導,並經常受聘擔任全國音樂比賽評審,對音樂推廣與教育不遺餘力。
- 1999年4月於國防部示範樂隊上校隊長任內退休,軍旅生涯共計33年。
- 2016年6月應中信金融管理學院聘為「駐校藝術家」兼中信樂團團長。
- 2017年5月帶領中信樂團於台南孔廟演出,深獲觀眾好評。
- 2017年12月籌劃「中信室內樂團」於2018年1月,在台北城市舞台演出。
President and CEO, CTBC Orchestra/ Artist-in-residence, CTBC Business School
Former Captain, Symphony Orchestra, Ministry of National Defense
- In 1967, Kuo volunteered to drop out from junior high school and joined the Army Academy R.O.C to response to the call of the government and demand of soldiers.
- In 1970, Kuo entered the Fu Hsing Kang College National Defense University majoring in Department of Political Science, then later transferred to the Department of Music and begun his pursue of music career.
- As a Music major, Kuo studied flute with General Ding-ying Shi, Conducting with Professor Yong-gang Li, and piano with Director Sheng-li Luo.
- In 1974, Kuo graduated from the Department of Music, and was assigned to the College Student Assembled Class of Cheng-Kung Hill and served his duties as First Lieutenant , Captain, and other positions.
- In 1977, Kuo was assigned to the Symphony Orchestra for Ministry of National Defense. In 1979, he was later promoted to Major – Element Leader, and completed his education at Fu Hsing Kang College and graduate school program.
- In 1982, Kuo participated in the ROC Sport Event held by Tainan City Government. He had successfully led an orchestra of hundred musicians, a choir of more than thousands students from different schools in Tainan, and the military bands to perform in the ceremony.
- In 1987, Kuo was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and his squad was selected as the honorable Chukuang Squad to execute the three missions of Recruitment, Training, and Drill.
- In 1990, Kuo was promoted to Colonel. He served as the orchestra conductor for several annual National Day Parades, major national celebrations as well as the concert performed by the MND Symphony Orchestra at National Theater & Concert Hall. Kuo later led the Orchestra for national concert tours for military units and culture centers in different cities.
- In 1991, Kuo received the Medal of Army Brilliance after he had successfully served his duty as the conductor of music performance for the National Day Parade Celebration.
- In 1992, Kuo had worked as the conductor for different concert bands, including orchestra, symphonic band, jazz band, chamber orchestra, and Chinese orchestra. He had also served as the conductor for many Military Salute Performances for diplomatic visits and state banquets, and received compliment and praise from presidents, first ladies, and foreign affairs representatives from other countries. Kuo planned and worked as the conductor for more than 300 music events and received the Award of Chukuang Excellence.
- In May 1994, Kuo conducted an orchestra to support the mega music TV show, Needle and Thread, produced by Chinese Television System. For more than three years, the show had received great applauses for the band’s performance of many popular Western and Chinese songs.
- In May 1996, Kuo was invited as the Music and Art Consultant for the 9th inauguration of the President and Vice President of Taiwan.
- Kuo has relentlessly promoting the development music education. He had worked as the flute teacher for the Music Class of Taipei City Fuxing Elementary School for 10 years, taught Symphonic Marching Bands in different music workshops, and invited as guest conductor of choir, symphonic orchestra, and orchestra for different schools across Taiwan. Kuo was often invited as the judge for many national music competitions.
- In April 1999, Kuo retired as Colonel from the MND Symphonic Orchestra and the military after his 33-year of services.
- In June 2016, Kuo was invited to be the Artist-in-residence and President and CEO of CTBC Orchestra for CTBC Business School. He was in charge of this music band consisted of the faculty and students, and together performed in different events including the Union of Presidents in Southern Region, and school opening music concerts.
- In May 2017, Kuo led CTBC Orchestra and performed at the Tainan Confucius Temple, and received rounds of warm applauses.
- In December 2017, Kuo has started planning the establishment of CTBC Chamber Orchestra, and is scheduled to perform at the City Stage of Taipei City in January 2018.